For Healthcare Partners

  • How do you determine what labs or tests are needed?

    Preop Partners adheres to guidelines set forth by the American Society of Anesthesiologists and the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association to determine what lab tests or imaging studies need to be completed.
  • Who does the pre-operative evaluation?

    All pre-operative evaluations are completed by qualified physicians, nurse practitioners (NPs), or physician assistants (PAs). They have all been thoroughly trained by board-certified anesthesiologists who specialize in pre-operative clearances. Additionally, all pre-operative evaluations are reviewed by board-certified anesthesiologists.

For Patients

  • How long will my appointment take?

    We understand your time is valuable and we pride ourselves on efficiency. However, to ensure we do a thorough evaluation of your health and complete necessary testing, you should anticipate the visit taking 30-60 minutes in total.
  • How long is the pre-operative evaluation and testing valid?

    The pre-operative evaluation will be valid for 30 days from the time of completion.
  • What is the purpose of a pre-operative evaluation?

    A pre-operative evaluation is used to make sure you are medically optimized for surgery. A simple evaluation, lab tests, and imaging studies are used to ensure you have no underlying problems that may interfere with your surgery or cause post-operative complications.
  • Does someone need to come with me?

    No, you do not need to bring anyone with you to your pre-operative evaluation. However, if you have ever experienced anxiety, light-headedness, or fainted from prior medical evaluations or laboratory blood draws, it might be a good idea to bring someone with you.
  • How do you determine what labs or tests are needed?

    Preop Partners adheres to guidelines set forth by the American Society of Anesthesiologists and the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association to determine what lab tests or imaging studies need to be completed.
  • Do you take walk-ins?

    We recommend scheduling an appointment with us to ensure efficiency and completeness of your visit!
  • Who does the pre-operative evaluation?

    All pre-operative evaluations are completed by qualified physicians, nurse practitioners (NPs), or physician assistants (PAs). They have all been thoroughly trained by board-certified anesthesiologists who specialize in pre-operative clearances. Additionally, all pre-operative evaluations are reviewed by board-certified anesthesiologists.
  • Do I need to be fasting for my visit?

    To ensure accuracy of your lab work, we recommend that you fast for 6-8 hours prior to your appointment.
  • What do I need to bring with me to the appointment?

    Please bring the following with you to your visit if applicable:
    1.  All current medications you are taking
    2. Any lab reports or imaging studies done within the past 3 months
    3. Any medical records you have

How It Works

  • How does the process work?

    Patients will schedule an appointment to come see Preop Partners for a pre-operative assessment. On the day of their appointment, patients will undergo a thorough medical evaluation. If necessary, patients will also undergo laboratory testing and any necessary imaging tests (CXR and/or EKG). Once the patient has been cleared for surgery from a medical standpoint, all necessary documentation and lab results will be sent to the appropriate referring healthcare providers and the patient.
  • How do I get my results to my surgeon?

    Preop Partners will send all the necessary medical documentation, lab results, and imaging studies directly to your surgeon’s office. Additionally, we are happy to provide you with a copy of all the information for your personal records as well.
  • When will I have my clearance/results?

    Preop Partners prides itself in timely and efficient medical care. You should expect to have all your results within 2-4 business days.
  • How do I schedule an appointment?

    You can schedule your appointment by calling our office at 877.477.7367 or visiting our website at Please feel free to email us with any questions at

Pricing & Billing

  • Do you take insurance?

    Yes, please contact our office to get more information on whether your insurance plan is accepted.
  • What is the cost of a pre-operative visit?

    Please contact our office to obtain details regarding pricing and billing.
  • What if I don't have medical insurance?

    We understand that medical care can be expensive. We have very affordable cash-pay prices in place to ensure you are able to receive the best care possible. Please contact our office to get more information.
  • Is testing included in my price?

    Yes, our pricing is all-inclusive of any services you will receive.
  • Can I pay with HSA or FSA?

    Yes, we accept HSA and FSA.